Please Note: Delivery timeframe is currently 4 weeks.

100% Lockable, Toolbags

0438 182 580 

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to speak to us regarding any possible modifications you would like done to your tool bag, please do not hesitate to phone or email us.

If you would like a quote, please fill out the form below. 

0438 182 580  

Monday to Friday  8am – 5pm


We will reply to you via email within 72 hrs with a price.
To place an order you can do so on our online store or via instructions in our quote response email.
Our Current production time is 12 weeks from the order/invoice date.

What Tool Bags would you like to quote for?

Hi Vis Colour – Included feature of our Ultim8 Tool Bag range but can be added to the standard range on request (extra $36.50).

There is no hacksaw pocket on the deluxe shoulder bags. The deluxe shoulder bags with external pockets only have 1 front pocket. The Standard Deluxe shoulder bag with no pockets has NO external pockets.